Feel free to look and see what we're learning in room 3!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


We have been discussing different modes of transportation this week.  Airplanes are always a favorite to children so we thought we would have some fun with it.  We learned how to fold paper airplanes and then had a distance competition to see whose plane flew the farthest.  Unfortunately it rained so we were unable to go outside to do it.  We made due with our hallway though.   I explained to the children afterwards that this is the one and only time they would be able to make paper airplanes at school.  I was worried that I may see all of their classwork made into airplanes!

Our winner!  Her plane went really far!


Friday, September 21, 2012

Apple Week

This week was our apple week!  We did so many fun things while we learned about apples.  We had a guest speaker from the Rogers Historial Museum that taught us the history of harvesting apples and also about some of the different kinds of apples.  We compared our apples, had an apple taste test, estimated,  and measured our apples. On Friday, we made pink cinnamon applesauce from the apples that the children brought.

Demonstrating the use of an apple bag for picking apples

Our Apple Blossom queen!

Yum!  Our apple taste test

Graphing which color apple we liked best

The results!

Trying our pink cinnamon applesauce.  I apologize for the quality of the next few pictures. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Five Senses

We have been learning about our five senses this week.  Today we got to travel around to all of the different kindergarten classes and each teacher had a fun activity to do with each sense.  My sense to teach was the sense of sight.  When the children came to my classroom, they had to use their sense of sight to solve a mystery. They compared the fingerprint on the cookie jar to the fingerprints of possible suspects to figure out who stole the cookies.   I got the following activity from Kelly's Kindergarten at http://www.kellyskindergarten.com/science/science_center_activities.htm.  There are so many neat activities on her website! 

Who Stole the Cookies?

We learned how to use magnifiying glasses to enlarge pictures.

I think we've solved the mystery!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Center Time

Here is a glimpse at some of the centers that are included in our daily routine.  Right now, the children are just getting the hang of the rotations and the rules and procedures of each center.  As the year progresses, the activities will become more challenging.  Center time is a great time for students to be able to practice previously learned skills independently and with a partner.  It is also a time for me to be able to work with individual students or small groups.

Listening Center

Writing Center

Word Work Center

Pocket Chart Center

Computer Center

Art Center

Puzzles Center

Letter Work Center

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sight Words and Letters

This week we have learned two sight words, "we", and "will".  We have also focused on the letters Mm, Ss, Aa, and Tt.  I have told the children to see where they can find these letters and words in their environments!